Imagine this is the scene for a 12 year old going to scout camp, isn't he lucky! The camp is Treasure Mountain and it sits right at the base of the Teton's. This was Easton's first year at scout camp and he had an amazing time and earned 7 merit badges. His Dad and Hayden went up and helped with camp this year. Hayden worked at this camp when he was 15 so he was an asset to the scout leader who had never been to scout camp before.

This is where they hold the campfires and flag ceremonies, to the left is the Teton's.

This is the view you see from the campfire.
It just takes your breath away! In the fore front is Table Rock
and behind it is the Grand Teton!

This is the lake where they do the water activities. They all have to pass a swim check before they can participate in the water events.

Can you believe he is my baby-Wow where did that time go, he is getting so big and I am excited for him but my heart aches at the same time.

Easton and his tent buddies.

Devin was able to get some great pictures of the wild life that lives around the camp. This is a wood pecker that was right by the handicraft area.

Can you see the yellow bird?

This is the swim check board. All the scout have to check out here before they can enter the swim area.

Easton jumping in to pass off his swim check. Easton also got his swimming merit badge at camp.

There were several moose that hung out in the camp and one day swim time had to be canceled because the moose would not leave.

Indian Paint brush

This picture is for Danny, just wanted you to know that Easton is on your team advertising at anytime anywhere!!

I really want to know what has all these boys attention?

I love this picture, Devin does such a great job!

Hanging out at camp!

If you look closely you can see a squirrel. Hayden helped the boys trap a squirrel and then they wrapped it up and gave it to their youth leader as a present at the campfire. When he opened the box the squirrel came bounding out and gave them all a good scare. The boys were awarded the best camp at the end for their enthusiasm and their unique gift.

Having fun at the archery stand.

Working on the swim merit badge.

Blowing up pants to use for floatation device.

The crazy gang!

This is one reason why I don't want to go to scout camp!

This is a shot of the whole group and I even think Adam's dad is participating in the back-Go Larry Go!

This picture says it all!

Log throwing contest at camp.

I think Easton is my first boy to actually give me a hug when I came up for parents night.

The moose at the water(sorry this pictures are not in order).

This is the place where dreams come true for scouters. Everything they could ever want and their parents don't want them to have!!!! Junk and Stuff is what is should be called!

Hayden ran into some friends that he had worked with a few years before on the last night at the campfire program for the parents.

A picture of Troop 172's skit!

The staff in a final circle at the end of the night. This was their last week of scout camp and you can sense how close they become through the summer. Easton and Garett are making plans to go work there in two summers!!!
1 comment:
That picture of my Dad is great!! I can't believe he participated. haha ;)
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