Today's Quote
Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends.
William Butler Yeats

Friday, August 6, 2010

AsH and AlDen's WEdding DaY

The Happy Couple

Justin the great Photographer!

Brinley and Abby

Grandma and Jean and her favorites!

Hayden and Maddie

It is going to be a party! The whole gang. Thanks everyone for coming and supporting Ashley and Alden.

Our beautiful bride

The Shaum women

Sister sister

Alden's Family

We are family, I got all my brothers and me!


Lori said...

Hello Hello! Thanks for the link. Ashley looks beautifulin all these pictures! What a fun day you all had. I'm sure it was fun planning it all too:) Hopefully I'll see you sometime on this earth. I'll let ya know the next time we are headed up there. Loves

Ashley Aikele said...

Yay Yay for family and weddings. Looks great. Thanks for putting it up mom. :)